Shellshock live ruler acer

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If i knew where to hit them the game would become boring because there isn't any challenge or reason to play other than just 'hit them 100% of the time and win almost every game because really I can't aim for ♥♥♥♥ without using the 100,86 rule'. How is it any fun just spamming all your good weapons and hitting them at every turn until you eventually win? It takes no skill to do, and you are taking the fun out of how these games work, I don't want to cheat by knowing where to hit them constantly, I want to have fun trying to hit them with my own judgement. In a game like this you are usually suppose to get a feel for where and how your shots will land as you get better at the game.

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The reason nobody likes you doing it is because its basically an aimbot, you know where your shot is going to land 100% of the time because of an outside influence, It takes no skill to do. ♥♥♥♥ off with that ♥♥♥♥, that's exactly what a paper ruler does and its no better.

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Like, its no better than the ruler, people try to justify it by saying 'its just using the properties/physics of the game'.

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